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2021 Business & Work Plans

2021 Business & Work Plans

The NZ RLIC Board has recommended, and shareholders have now agreed a Business Plan for 2021/22 commencing in October. CRA Quota Share Owners (QSOs) are now invited to read and if inclined, to comment on the detail of the Business Plan. Whilst the overall budget is...

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CRA 8 Association a winner at Seafood Sustainability Awards

CRA 8 Association a winner at Seafood Sustainability Awards

Jeremy Excell – CRAMAC 8 Chairman and Malcolm Lawson – Executive Officer and the full set of Sustainability Awards presented to the CRA 8 industry. The CRA 8 Rock Lobster Industry Association (CRAMAC 8) was a finalist in the categories of Operational Innovation;...

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Shakin’ Stevens

Shakin’ Stevens

Peter James Stevens was a man not frightened to take a shotgun to a rodeo and, in the era of the irascible Piggy Muldoon, had the Government bailed up and waving the white flag on more than one occasion. So how could such a colourful character and stalwart of the...

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